Make sure to post here on your science fair project. Remember to have me approve your topic before you begin!
Happy Halloween, little ones! Be safe tonight! 
Well! I was all set with that OTHER website when it disappeared from the web! The company discontinued its free use of its tools so in the fashion of any true teacher, I sought out other options. Another teacher friend of mine recommended Weebly and here we are! You are able to post comments here too, but remember munchkins, its ON THE WEB!!! Anything you comment will be seen by anyone who visits our page! 
RULES: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe! 

Today in math we continued to learn new ways to analyze and present data sets! We practiced finding our Statistical Landmarks including range, mode, median, and even the mean! We translated data presented in a line graph back into raw data and then into a stem and leaf plot! 

Remember to work on practicing your basic fact level every night! I cannot wait to move you to the next level!